Application of ultrasound detection for dangerous starks and deliverations in the roof and walls of underground mining works




underground mine, injuries to mining workers, ultrasonic scanning, device design.


It has been shown that there is a high incidence of injuries to mountain workers due to falling pieces of rock in underground mining pits. From the published materials it is clear that in deep ore mines, on average, 40% of all injuries on mining robots are mainly caused by falls from invisible pins and scrapes in the walls and walls of mining machines. Increasing productivity works under the influence of a stronger environment. The main way to identify potential stains is by tapping the surface of the oil mass, as the frill is called, which is associated with a forceful infusion onto the mass and is potentially unsafe. The design is based on a device for non-force acoustic ultrasonic scanning of the roofing and walls of the roofing wall with the method of detecting the presence of pins and shading. Active control of the massif is based on the specific nature of the division of mechanical-acoustic springs in the Georgian breed. An analysis of the reaction of the Girsky breed to an exciting acoustic pulse in the ultrasonic spectrum was carried out. It was revealed that the reaction of the breed lies at the stage of mechanical connection of the controlled plot with the entire Girsky massif, therefore, by the magnitude of the amplitude and extinction of the acoustic sound, one can judge the stage of autonomy of the plot and possibly There is a deboning. The detection of cracks, which causes increased reverberation of the signal due to vibrations between the sections in the cracks, which leads to increased amplitude and frequency of strong resonant vibrations. The device was disassembled, prepared and tested until the last moment and fitted with the sensor to accommodate two independent sensors, one of which works on vibration, and the other on reception. To ensure high sensitivity, frequency and small dimensions, a resonant converter based on the active element of the PZT material was used - 23 with barium titanate with added lead and zirconium titanate. The vicinity of the dual-element sensor allows you to insert the middle element of the vibrating element into the receiving element. The elements are acoustically isolated from one type to another. The acoustic scanning frequency is assumed to be 20 kHz, the duration of the scanning pulse is 0.3 ms. Is shown block diagram and a photo of the visible sensor.


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How to Cite

Application of ultrasound detection for dangerous starks and deliverations in the roof and walls of underground mining works. (2023). Economics and Technical Engineering, 1(2), 143-152.