Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Economics and technical engineering
					View Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Economics and technical engineering

FoundersState University Of Economics And Technology
ISSN: 3041-1246 
UDК:  33+62]:001.891/.895](051.034)=161.2=111
Available since: 2023
Published: 2 times a year

Published: 2024-06-26

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About the edition

Title: Scientific and practical journal "Economics and technical engineering"

Founders: State University Of Economics And Technology

Available since: 2023

Published: 2 times a year

The magazine is registered in the State Register of subjects in the field of print media, media identifier R40-02578 (Decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting No. 63 dated 11.01.2024).

UDC:  33+62]:001.891/.895](051.034)=161.2=111

ISSN: 3041-1246

DOI: 10.62911

Type of the publication: Scientific and Practical Journal

Type of the publication for the intended purpose: Scientific 

Field of science: Social and technical sciences

Language: Ukrainian, English

Sphere of the distribution: National and International

Categories of readers: scientists, specialists, managers, teachers, graduate students, students of relevant specialties

Focus and Scope: Coverage of current issues of economics and management, information and mathematical support of economic processes, innovations, investments, competitiveness and modern problems of regional development; generalization and analysis of production experience in the above directions; establishment of regularities and dependencies of the influence of natural and technological factors on the processes occurring in the above-mentioned branches of science; ensuring the possibility of familiarization with new scientific and practical results in the above-mentioned fields of science, as well as direct participation in the publications of scientists, teachers, graduate students, students of relevant specialties and enterprise specialists.

We are committed to supporting researchers, practitioners and organizations who share our goals of promoting more ethical, responsible and sustainable ways of working.

Journal indexing:

Crossref Registration Agency (doi prefix 10.62911)
ROAD /Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources
Google Academy (Google Scholar)
EuroPub Database
Index Copernicus International
Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI)


Serhii HUSHKO, Prof. DSc, State University of Economics and Technology (Ukraine), e-mail:

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Executive secretary: 

Victoriya SOLOVIEVA, Assoc. Prof. PhD, State University of Economics and Technology (Ukraine), e-mail:

Publisher's Own License: The articles in  journal are published under Creative Commons Attribution  International BY. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author as long as they cite the source.

Open-access Statement: The «Ukrainian Journal of Nephrology and Dialysis» provides immediate Open Access to the published materials (presented in Archives), considering the priority of free distribution of the scientific information and knowledge exchange for global progress of the society.

Public Ethics: To ensure high ethical and professional standards based on the principles of transparency and best practice of scientific publications, the Scientific and practical journal "Economics and technical engineering" follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics.

Mailing address: Vyzvolenya Square, 2, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, 50005
