A method for reducing current ripples in traction motors for contact electric locomotives with pulse width modulation
traction motor, pulse width converter, separate power supply, harmonic current components.Abstract
Disadvantages that occur when powering the traction motors of mine contact electric locomotives from a pulse width converter (PWC) due to significant current pulsations are given: significant current and moment pulsations and skidding of the wheel pairs of the electric locomotive in the mode of displacement.
An analysis of known methods of reducing current pulsations of traction motors, such as the use of reactors in the armature circuit of motors, increasing the frequency of the pulse converter, determined their insufficient efficiency. On the basis of the conducted analysis, a number of shortcomings of known methods of reducing current pulsations and their non-compliance with existing requirements were revealed. Thus, the use of reactor engines connected in series in the armature circuit leads to significant power losses in them. Increasing the frequency of the pulse-width converter requires an individual selection of the optimal frequency value for each type of electric locomotive and in any case leads to an increase in switching losses in the converter, which in turn leads to a decrease in the quality of electrical energy.
The proposed method of separate power supply of the traction motors of the two-engine drive of the mine electric locomotive from two PWC instead of the existing parallel one. Comparative studies of the proposed method of separate power supply of traction motors with a time shift in the operation of pulse width converters for half the period of the operating frequency with the applied parallel connection were conducted. On the basis of the conducted research, the effectiveness of the proposed method has been proven.
It is shown that the maximum value of traction current ripples occurs at a duty cycle of 0.5 and at a frequency of 300 Hz does not exceed 10%, and taking into account the shift in time in the operation of converters for half the period of their operating frequency, traction current ripples at the indicated frequency will not exceed 5% .
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