Automated system ZELIS for student knowledge testing and control




ZELIS, form, algorithm, RealTime DataBase, DBMS.


The ZELIS automated system is designed for testing students' knowledge in two modes: forms and dialogue. The system was developed at the State University of Economics and Technology (Kryvyi Rih) and has been operating since 2015. Students receive tickets with questions and forms for choosing the correct answer. The teacher sets the number of tickets with forms. It is used both online and offline. Tickets contain text, tables, figures, formulas, etc., that is, all the possibilities of the MS WORD editor. Questions and answer options are generated randomly. As the operation showed, the most effective number is 30 questions and 5 answers to them. When working with forms, a large number of people are tested. Each form is scanned to receive a raster file in *.jpg format. To recognize these files, a mathematical apparatus has been developed that accurately determines the number of the correct answer based on the form. On the form, 5 squares are allocated for each question. The student marks the square with the correct answer with a tick or a cross. The main task is to determine the square with the correct answer. To do this, the image is first cleaned so that each pixel is characterized by black or white color. As a result, the recognized form is not only converted into a black and white format, but also cleaned of all kinds of "garbage". After that, choose a square with the maximum number of black pixels. In the online mode, students receive input data through the Internet, which is relevant in the conditions of martial law, as well as when testing students' knowledge during the educational process without additional use of laboratory time. Students have an application that reads the questions and answers of their tickets and fills out an electronic form in which the correct answers are highlighted. The results of the answers are sent to the cloud environment. In the dialogue mode, the student chooses an answer to each question, and as a result, a grade and assessment time are formed. ZELIS software is updated in the Visual Studio 2019 environment in the C# programming language using the MS ACCESS or SQL SERVER DBMS, as well as the FireBase RealTime DataBase cloud DBMS.


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How to Cite

Automated system ZELIS for student knowledge testing and control . (2024). Economics and Technical Engineering, 2(1), 93-106.