Dependence of metal shears consumption on technological parameters of the process of shearing flat rolled metal products




flat rolled metal; shears; shearing; cost price; metal consumption; dependence.


There is a growing demand for flat-rolled steel products. In today's market we have the task for heavy engineering, which has a target making of equipment for such steel products manufacturing. At the same time, machines and mechanisms that are not directly involved in metal rolling but ensure the performance of other operations are important components of the entire technological process and are aimed at producing metal products with specified characteristics constitute a significant part of the equipment produced for rolling mills of metallurgical enterprises specializing in the flat-rolled steel production. Among them, shears for longitudinal and transverse shearing, which are used to produce flat-rolled metal products of a given shape and size play a major role. Meanwhile, shears with single-slope (guillotine) and double-slope (chevron) knives usually used for metal strips and sheets transverse shearing and being the most complex equipment on rolling mills shearing lines are widely used. Therefore, timely and correct cost determination of such shears is very important in the context of machine-building production, developing technical and commercial proposals. A specialist ought to be able to determine their metal consumption in advance. Therefore, in this paper, a mathematical dependence allowing determining the shears metal consumption, taking into account the maximum shearing force and the maximum allowable width of the metal rolling was obtained based on the analysis of available data on the main characteristics of known shears. Meanwhile, further refinement and adaptation of the obtained dependence may be appropriate to be used in the automation tools development for designing the technology of shearing flat-rolled metal products with a slope knife.


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How to Cite

Dependence of metal shears consumption on technological parameters of the process of shearing flat rolled metal products. (2024). Economics and Technical Engineering, 2(1), 133-144.