Global trends as a component of successful meso-level economic development strategies
development, meso-level, strategy, region, factors, digitalisation, public-private partnership.Abstract
The meso-level is important in the management of the economic processes of the country, then it allows to ensure the specifics of the development of individual territories and to adapt the general strategies of state management to local conditions. The method of work is the study of world trends, as complex successful strategies of economic development at the meso level. In the course of the conducted research, the author applied a whole complex of general and special scientific methods in order to achieve the set goal. which, the methodological basis of the work is the method of generalization, the method of systematization, the method of analysis and synthesis, methods of comparative analysis, system-structural analysis. It has been established that the meso-level ensures the effective implementation of state programs at the local level and stimulates innovative development, increasing the overall productivity and vitality of the region. It is noted that the economic development of mesoeconomic systems depends on various factors, in particular: legal, social, political, which promote and limit one and ultimately lead to the establishment of a high degree of uncertainty. The legal factor in the development of mesoeconomic systems is the right of legislative state bodies to adopt normative legal acts that apply the territorial structure of the country, organizational forms of mesosystems. The social factor of the development of mesoeconomic systems reflects the process of formation and development of social strata of the region's population. The political factor of the development of the mesoeconomic system is a component for determining the influence of various subjects of the mesoeconomic system on the macroeconomic policy of the state. The main modern world trends, which play an important role in the formation of successful economic development strategies at the meso level, are considered, in particular, digitalization, circular economy, "green" investment, participation in global added value chains, consideration of migration trends and human capital, decentralization, use of new financial resources. technologies, public-private partnership.
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