Evaluation of the effectiveness of the product quality management system of ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih in the Wartime
efficiency, production, management, quality, products, industrial enterprise, metal products, technology, martial law, security, stability, resourcesAbstract
The article examines the features of the product quality management system as a key element of the enterprise's competitiveness in the conditions of growing competition and consumer demands; assesses the effectiveness of the product quality management system at large industrial domestic enterprises using the example of PJSC "ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih" in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine, identifies its strengths and opportunities for improvement; assesses key aspects of the system's functioning, identifies potential areas for its development and adaptation to the difficult conditions that have arisen as a result of martial law; studies key challenges that contribute to increasing attention to ensuring product quality at the current stage of development of the metallurgical industry, among which global competition, increasing consumer standards and integration of international norms are highlighted; analyzes the dynamics of metal production volumes in Ukraine for 2020-2023; considers economic problems in the field of ensuring the quality of Ukrainian products that arose as a result of Russia's full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine; It was established that product quality management in the modern business environment is a key factor determining the success of the enterprise, it includes systematic quality control at all stages of production and the implementation of high standards to ensure stability and compliance of products with consumer needs; based on the results of the study, the effectiveness of the quality management system of PJSC "ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih" was assessed in the context of ensuring high product standards in conditions of significant challenges; special attention was paid to the analysis of the quality of the key types of products of the enterprise - wire rod and fittings, since their characteristics are decisive for the compliance of products with international and national standards, as well as for meeting consumer needs; based on the analysis, the main quality characteristics of the main types of products and typical defects that may occur at different stages of production were determined, which allowed not only to assess the effectiveness of current quality management processes, but also to identify opportunities for further improvement.
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