Automation of Charge Loader Management for Blasthole Charging Based on the K-MINE Technology Platform
drilling and blasting operations, massive explosion, K-MINE, charge loaders, Android, transfer data.Abstract
The article presents a pilot project to automate the process of blasthole charging using modern charge loaders at mining enterprises. It examines the key challenges encountered in blasthole charging, including inaccuracies in charge dosing, extended pre-charging operations, significant human factor influence, and personnel safety risks. Taking into account the urgent needs in well charging, the authors proposed an integrated solution that combines the K-MINE geographic information system for automated charge parameter calculations and automatic data transfer to the server and via GSM/LTE connection to the KBlast Android application installed on the on-board computer of the mixing and charging machine in real time. The article describes the process of reverse information exchange after charging wells and presents the main advantages of using this technology, namely: obtaining detailed information about charging, adjustments and prompt transfer of actual data on the work performed. The use of this technology is aimed at optimising production processes, improving charging accuracy, minimising the impact of the human factor and responding quickly in the event of force majeure during the charging process. The article presents the architecture of the proposed solution and the application functionality, and the results of its testing within the pilot implementation. The results of the research showed that the implementation of the automated system reduces the time for charging wells by 10-15%, reduces the consumption of explosives by 0.3-0.5% per hole and increases the dosing accuracy to 1 kg. This helps reduce mining costs and improve the efficiency of mining operations. The results of the technology implementation demonstrate its prospects for blasting optimisation at open-pit mines and its prospects for broader application.
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