Construction surface using desktop and mobile applications
OpenGL ES, B-spline, NURBS-surface, RealTime DataBase, DBMS.Abstract
The purpose of the work is the construction of surfaces when using desktop and mobile applications both in the educational process and in the mining industry. The integrated Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 environment is used for desktop programs using C++ and C# programming languages. Android Studio, Java language is used for mobile applications. The information base for the programs being developed is the relational DBMS ACCESS and SQL SERVER, as well as the cloud DBMS of the NoSQL class Firebase Realtime Database, which allows application developers to store data and synchronize it between several clients. The following methods of constructing surfaces (3d models) are considered in the article: Interpolation (grid and frame), polynomial, B-spline (NURBS surface), nearest areas (polygons). These methods are used in the creation of an automated system of HMZ in the planning and management of mining operations in the pit. This system has been tested by many years of positive experience of industrial application and can be used for non-ferrous ore and iron ore deposits. Theoretical material and real software are provided for the educational process. This allows you to improve your knowledge in the field of mathematics and programming, having the source texts of the programs. Modern programming languages for desktop and mobile applications using DBMS and cloud technologies are used here. Mathematical support for the construction of surfaces is given. At the same time, the NURBS surface and the method of nearest regions are implemented for the first time. The efficiency of the implementation of models is significantly increased due to the use of shaders. The B-spline in the form of a surface is used for modeling the day surface of a quarry, complete counting of reserves, accounting for ore extraction, contouring of ore bodies. Polygons are mainly used in the operational calculation of reserves in given contours of mining operations. The interpolation method of grids is used in profiles for complete calculation of reserves, contouring of ore bodies, construction of isolines.
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