Global challenges to modern international security system




security, globalization, environmental security, global security, energy security, demographic aspect of security, social security


Ensuring global international security requires a thorough study of threats that negatively affect processes in countries around the world. Given the nature of threats, the goal of security research is to timely identify, overcome an existing or prevent a potential threat by partially or completely neutralizing the impact of threats. In connection with global challenges to the modern system of international security, the concept of individual and collective security in the world is being revised. This is forcing the countries of the world and military-economic blocs to reconsider their defense policies, focus on increasing military budgets and developing new defense strategies. Identification, analysis and forecast of global challenges in the modern system of international security are very important and relevant. The purpose of the article is to identify the problems and prospects for countering the global challenges of the modern international security system. The development of geopolitical relations in the modern world is determined by current global security problems that directly or indirectly affect all countries of the world. The modern world is faced with many challenges that require not only a defensive response, but also countermeasures aimed at eliminating not only the problems themselves, but also the risk factors caused by these problems. The main attention should be focused not only on countering threats, but also on developing preventive measures to overcome the possible consequences of an increase in new global and regional risks to national security. It has been proven that the main global challenges to international security are: military actions between countries and frozen conflicts, economic globalization, competition for resources, climate change and environmental problems, mass uncontrolled migration, technological changes and cybersecurity, international terrorism and extremism. The result of overcoming existing or preventing potential global threats is the protection of national and international interests and ensuring the sovereignty of states.


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How to Cite

Global challenges to modern international security system. (2024). Economics and Technical Engineering, 2(1), 22-30.