Possibilities of adapting the EU experience in information security to the conditions of Ukraine





security, globalization, information, information security, foreign experience


Information war, the promotion and spread of disinformation is a threat to regional, national and international security, especially in the conditions of rapid development of globalization, the fight against COVID-19, digitalization, increased international competition and pose new problems to the countries of the world. The Ukrainian-Russian war brought the information technologies of aggression and influence to a new level, therefore the experience of the developed countries of the European Union in information security is very relevant for Ukraine. Kremlin-controlled media outlets spread biased narratives, spread misinformation, and exploit existing vulnerabilities in Ukraine's media landscape. The purpose of the article is to determine the problems and prospects of ensuring the development of information security in Ukraine by adapting the positive experience of the countries of the European Union.Based on the analysis of the positive experience of the countries of the European Union, in order to ensure the information security of Ukraine, it is necessary to: pay great attention to the issues of cyber security, which is an organic part of information security; to rationally centralize powers in the field of information security; carry out active technological development and development of computer and information systems; to improve regulatory legal support and provisions of information security; to involve universities and employers in the professional training of information security specialists, to train the public in the form of information security courses; clearly define the main concepts and categories, make a list of relevant threats to information security; to provide truthful comprehensive information in combination with the dissemination of broad propaganda of national interests; take actions for the development of information culture and information society; to advertise the rules of information hygiene, prudence and legibility when contacting information; to educate Ukrainian citizens in critical thinking and the ability to recognize negative informational influence, manipulation, disinformation, falsification, etc.


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How to Cite

Possibilities of adapting the EU experience in information security to the conditions of Ukraine. (2023). Economics and Technical Engineering, 1(1), 35-43. https://doi.org/10.62911/ete.2023.01.01.03