Anti-crisis management as a tool of the system of regulation of economic security of business-structure
crisis, economic security, anti-crisis management, business structure, mechanism of anti-crisis management.Abstract
The subject of the study is theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of the mechanism of anti-crisis management of business structures in the conditions of transformation of the global economic environment of their functioning. The purpose of the study is to determine the set of factors that cause a crisis situation in the activities of business structures, their ranking, and the development of proposals for the structure of the anti-crisis response mechanism in their activities. A set of methods was used in the study: general methods - synthesis, generalization, abstraction, system-structural; special economic methods - statistical and comparative analysis for assessing the level of economic efficiency of business structures. The article outlines the importance of developing theoretical approaches and practical recommendations for the formation of the structure of the anti-crisis management mechanism in the activities of business structures, since it is possible to note the lack of adaptability of developed countermeasures to modern challenges and threats, which is the reason for the emergence of a crisis situation. Based on the results of the generalizations of scientific approaches of scientists, a conceptual approach to the interpretation of this definition was formed regarding the content of the concept of "anti-crisis management". The determined principles of anti-crisis management in the activity of business structures, tasks and content served as the basis for the formation of its types, which are outlined by the conditions of operation, the field of activity, the place on the market, the production capacities of business entities and the stages of the product life cycle. On the basis of a methodical approach based on the analysis of basic and special indicators, an algorithm of the process of crisis identification in the activity of business structures was formed. The financial potential of business structures was evaluated based on the profitability of the main activity, which allows monitoring the possibility of applying the principles of anti-crisis management.
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