Tools for ensuring the competitiveness of business entities in the context of development to EU conditions




competitiveness; business structures, concept, tools of competitiveness, areas of increasing competitiveness, integration.


The subject of the study is the methodological aspects of ensuring the competitiveness of business structures in the conditions of EU integration. The purpose of the study is to determine the tools for ensuring the competitiveness of business structures in the conditions of integration into the EU. The research used a set of scientific methods and approaches, including systematic and logical, which made it possible to ensure the conceptual unity of the research. The article substantiates the necessity of using tools for the formation and competitiveness of business structures in the conditions of integration into the EU and the directions of its improvement. The field of application of the research results is the field of development of business structures in the context of EU integration. The main conclusions of the study and its methodological results can be summarized as follows: on the basis of the conducted analysis, it is proved that among the most important ways of strengthening the economy, ensuring the competitiveness of business structures in the conditions of EU integration. An analysis of the dynamics of the number of active business structures in Ukraine was carried out, the factors that influenced the increase in the volume of produced products and services, their implementation by subjects of large, medium, small and micro-businesses were determined. Conducted studies of capital investments in the activity of business structures by sources. The concepts that form the effect of general management of material resources and intangible assets are outlined. In order to increase the competitiveness of business structures, four competitive strategies are proposed. In the conditions of competitive struggle and in the conditions of European integration, the ways of increasing the competitiveness of business structures are outlined. Taking into account the changing conditions of today, an effective tool for increasing competitiveness is competences, which are the most important component of the competitiveness of business structures, which determines their identity, their difference from other business units


Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy. URL:

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How to Cite

Tools for ensuring the competitiveness of business entities in the context of development to EU conditions. (2023). Economics and Technical Engineering, 1(2), 21-32.

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