Experimental studies of stress-strain state of metal, energy and power parameters and main quality indicators during strip sections rolling
rolled metal products, rolling mill, hot rolled strip, rolling rolls, local characteristics of the stress state of metal, installation for plastic deformation of metal, roll calibration schemes for strip rolling.Abstract
The variety of possible technical solutions testifies the possibility of fairly wide prospects for further improvement of technologies and equipment for hot rolling of high-quality strip profiles. The implementation of theoretical approaches is thought to be the priority to ensure the economy of material resources when conducting scientific research. As for the results of experimental research, they are aimed at clarifying the initial preconditions, assessing the degree of the obtained theoretical solutions reliability and testing the practical recommendations gained on their basis. The results of experimental studies confirmed the significant influence of the degree of kinematic asymmetry of the rolling process. Based on the results of the processes of hot flattening and rolling in accelerating gauges experimental studies, the three-dimensional nature of the metal plastic flow has been confirmed and new schemes for strip rolling calibrating rolls have been developed.
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